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Winter Driving: Tips For Safe Travelling in Canada

Winter can be a beautiful season, but it can also be a hazardous one for drivers. Icy roads, snow-covered streets, and blizzard-like conditions can make driving challenging, even for the most experienced drivers. As a result, it’s essential to know how to stay safe while driving during the winter months. This article will provide you with some tips on how to do just that.

Winter Driving

Plan Ahead:

One of the most important things you can do before you hit the road during the winter months is to plan ahead. Check the weather forecast before you leave, so you know what to expect on your journey. If the forecast predicts snow or ice, consider delaying your trip if possible. If you must travel, plan your route carefully and leave plenty of time to get to your destination safely.

Prepare Your Vehicle:

Another essential aspect of winter driving safety is to ensure that your vehicle is ready for the conditions. Before setting out, check your car’s battery, brakes, tires, and windshield wipers. If necessary, replace any worn or damaged components. Also, consider installing winter tires or chains, as they can provide better traction on icy or snowy roads.

Slow Down:

Speed is a leading cause of accidents in winter driving conditions. As such, it’s essential to reduce your speed and drive slower than you would in optimal conditions. This will give you more time to react to unexpected situations and help you maintain control of your vehicle. Additionally, be sure to accelerate and brake gradually to avoid skidding.

Increase Your Following Distance:

It’s also essential to increase your following distance when driving in winter weather. This will give you more time to react if the vehicle in front of you stops suddenly. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least a four-second gap between your vehicle and the one in front of you.

Keep Your Lights On:

Visibility can be reduced during the winter months due to snow, fog, and other weather conditions. To help other drivers see you, keep your headlights on, even during the day. Also, be sure to clear any snow or ice from your lights before setting out.

Know How to Handle Skids:

Skidding can be a scary experience, but it’s important to know how to handle it if it happens. If your vehicle begins to skid, don’t panic. Instead, take your foot off the accelerator and steer in the direction you want to go. Additionally, avoid slamming on your brakes, as this can cause your vehicle to slide further.

Avoid Distractions:

Finally, avoid distractions while driving in winter conditions. This includes using your phone, eating, or anything else that takes your attention away from the road. Stay focused on driving and keep both hands on the wheel at all times.


Driving during the winter months can be challenging, but by following these tips, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. Remember to plan ahead, prepare your vehicle, slow down, increase your following distance, keep your lights on, know how to handle skids, and avoid distractions. By doing so, you can reduce your risk of being involved in an accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident during the winter months, don’t hesitate to contact lawyers for wrongful death. They can help you understand your legal options and pursue compensation for your losses. Stay safe on the road this winter!